It's Go Time


You can say these Three Little Words

You can say them here

You can say them there

You can say them anywhere.

But there's more. You can't just "say" these words. You have to live them. You live them here, you live them there, you live them anywhere.

You can live them in a tent

You can live them with a friend... 

Ok, enough of my Dr. Suessness ...☺️

But seriously, it's go time. Where do you want to be on Sept 1? 

Last year, around this time, I had the responsibility of helping my parents move from their farm to a small house in town (including one final event in the party shed...more on that in another post). This was not your normal move. It consisted of 2 families, 2 houses, 2 garages, 2 attics, 4 barns, 3 acres of accumulation, hundreds of heirlooms, and thousands of memories.

It was go time from April to November. Sometimes I would tell myself, "Just do one thing today!"

Somedays, I walked around in a daze, trying to feel the feels, organize, pack, and reminisce all at once. Trust me, I'm not a multitasker.

Somedays, the weight of everything involved overwhelmed me.

But most days, I pushed on. It was go time. 

Again, I ask you...

Don't like your situation? Go do something, even one thing, to change your circumstances.

Want to move? Pack a box.

Wanna travel? Make a reservation.

Tired of being tired? Go to bed earlier and/or take a nap. Give yourself a break and stop racing rats.

Need some new friends in your life? Reach out.

Stressed? Go for a walk.

Unhealthy? Change your diet.

  •  Time to go.
  • Get up and go.
  • Make a decision and go with it.
  • Keep going.
  • Go for it.
  • Go after your dream.
  • Go the extra mile.
  • Go.